Finca Agricola Geisha

Jaramillo Arriba, PA.CH

Agricola Geisha, the home of our coffee

High up in the mountains of Boquete, Panama, there is a place abundant with misty rain and sunshine. Streams flow through the harvested fields and moisten the soil of the crops. Our farms overlook the Baru Volcano—the source of our volcanic soil.

The land is sustained by the gifts of Mother Nature.

Corralled by forest trees, our coffee is shade grown surrounded by plantain and avocado trees. From geisha to paca to pacamara, Agricola Geisha provides all our beans with a healthy home to produce the purest coffee

For a sweet and citrusy brew, grab a cup of our Geisha. If you’re looking for something chocolatey, smooth, and creamy, we suggest pacamara. For those in need of something stronger, our paca beans have just the kick.

Our plants are cared for with meticulous attention, from seedlings to maturity. They are fertilized at their peak with natural products, keeping Agricola Geisha organic and wholesome, the way nature intended it to be.

Our love for our farms is manifested through the harvest of our Arabica beans.

Our coffee cherries are hand-picked once ripe and dried naturally under the rays of the sun to maximize their flavor.

We are a family RUN company, and as members of the Specialty Coffee Association of Panama, our goal is to always produce award winning specialty coffee, coffee that is always natural, flavorful, and aromatic.

Our farm is located at Alto Jaramillo at an altitude of over 1300 meters. First place in taste at Boquete Specialty Coffee 2017 Grupo Taiwan for Geisha coffee. First place in taste at Boquete Specialty Coffee 2016 Grupo Taiwan for Pacamara coffee. Coffee can boost your mind, help you stay focused, and give you energy. And since coffee has lots of antioxidants it helps to protect your body. Specialty Coffee drinking is the latest trend with millennials and baby boomers – be a part of the new movement. We are committed to conservation and a sustainable coffee industry.

Geisha coffee beans are probably the most highly sought after coffee beans in the world.
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