Located within some of the best coffee producing areas in the world, our farms produce prize-winning Typical, Caturra, Catuai and Geisha Coffees.
We have been honored on various occasions by winning awards in the annual Best Of Panama International Cupping Competition.
The farms are located in Boquete, at altitudes ranging from 1350 meters to 2200 meters above sea-level. Each farm has its own micro-climate which permits the production of different, unique, quality coffees. These coffees are sought after all over the world.
We believe in not only producing excellent coffee’s but also in improving the quality of life of the workers who are involved in this endeavor. To attain this goal, we have constructed family housing which involves one apartment per worker and his family. The apartments have a full kitchen, living and bedrooms and all personal hygiene is done in bathing areas separating men and women. This housing is governed by a Board of Directors elected from the workers and by the workers who control the operation and cleanliness of all common areas within the living compound. All utilities are covered by the company.
The families who reside in these apartments must sign a contract and abide by rules to improve the quality of their family life.
The wives of all workers have a sewing school in which they produce clothing which is sold on a national level and the children have private tutors when needed to help improve any shortcomings they may have in school. The results have been that many are now honor students.
Every week conferences are given by qualified people at the living areas to improve religious and family values. This has all but eliminated drinking and family abuse problems.
Medical doctors also visit the living compound every few months giving all who live there a medical check-up and assuring that all receive proper medical attention when required.
At all Altieri Coffee Farms we are proud to be producing quality coffees and at the same time improving the lives of all who are involved in this process.