Directory Pricing

Single Listing Pricing Plans
Basic One Year Listing  FREE
Basic one year listing includes your business description, link to your web site, contact info and one photo.
A featured one year listing includes up to 10,000 characters of description, 10 photos, link to your web site, plus 1 video clip, coupons and featured placement in one category. One year listing $600.
We offer customized pricing based on your company's size, needs and budget. We can also accommodate companies who wish to be listed in multiple categories, and packages that include featured listings as well as featured events. Call Margie at 6607-4060 for information or email to inquire.
Featured One Year Listing  $600.00
A featured one year listing includes up to 10,000 characters of description, 10 photos, link to your web site, plus 1 video clip, customized coupons and featured placement in one category.
We offer customized pricing based on your company's size, needs and budget, starting at very affordable prices. We can also accommodate companies who wish to be listed in multiple categories, and packages that include featured listings as well as featured events. Call Margie at 6607-4060 for information or email to inquire.
Subscription Pricing Plans
One Year Multiple Listing Subscription Plan  $1,500.00
Ideal for businesses that want to place enhanced listings in multiple categories.
Package Features: 1 year of service for up to 5 listings. Each listing can have: 10,000 character business description, 10 photos, a website address, a coupon and a video clip. Each listing is a featured listing (appears before non-featured listings). Price: $1,500. Save up to $1,500 over individual featured listings.
We offer customized pricing based on your company's size, needs and budget. We can also offer packages that include featured listings as well as featured events. Call Margie at 6607-4060 for information or email to inquire.
Search Directory